Properties Located in Southern California

Multifamily & Income Properties

Investment Strategy

Huntley Equities’ investments typically meet the following criteria:

  • Generally, 5+ unit multifamily / income properties
  • Properties built in the 1990’s or later. Stabilized properties may also be purchased if justified by location and other market considerations.
  • Assets appropriate for a long-term hold.
  • Properties in the $1,000,000 – $20,000,000 range

Ideal investments would also exhibit on or more of the following:

Subject to California and/or City of Los Angeles Rent Control Ordinance with lower paying tenants

  • Trending markets where local operators are too entrenched to recognize the change
  • Priced below replacement cost
  • Within path of improvement (ie. city redevelopment)
  • Present ownership’s failure to aggressively manage the asset
  • Deterioration of the property’s physical condition requiring significant repairs
  • Market lacks sophisticated property services
  • Structure of current ownership is no longer optimal or feasible

The company’s aim is to improve operating performance and realize appreciation over time. We create value through intensive asset management. We value long-term, loyal relationships with brokers and other professionals, and pride ourselves in business with a fast moving, no-nonsense approach to all transactions. Our team can react quickly and efficiently to complicated transactions.